Global Arquitecture Projects

Global Arquitecture Projects

c/Poeta José Millares Sall – 大加那利岛拉斯帕尔马斯 – 西班牙34 - 608243660Facebook
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José Antonio Ruiz de la Torre Alonso

Spanish architect based in Las Palmas -Spain-Canary Islands.

Professional experience since 1979

Part of the Official College of Architects of Canary Island COAC from 23-7-1.979.

Architect responsible for the Department of Culture of COAC-LP OF 1.982 a1.984.

In June 2000 created Ruiz dela Torre Architecture and Planning based on the new technologies of Internet, development Aquitecture Project Planning and Consulting expecting a Fund Technical High Demonstrable experience they bring to any Viability and Logistics Architecture Project and Development.

Brief references:

-USA-Boston University Harvard.-Confrontation of projects in the Department of José Luis Sert.

Canada.-Montreal-University M. C. Hill.-Chair for New Technologies Bioclimáticas.

USA-Virginia_Martinsville.- AHC-process industrial and manufactured housing design.

USA-Florida.-Vsita and study of new tourism projects in the area Miami-Key West

Caribbean San Bartolmé.-based research achievements in sustainable tourism.

Panama IPAT.Dirección Turística.-General of Planning Study of Tourism Development Master Plan of Panama.-areas: La Amistad-Bastimentos-Arco Seco-Farallon-Metropolitan-Portobelo-San Blas-Las Perlas-Darien.

Cuba-La Havana.-Track Rehabilitation Plan Havana Vieja. Cuba-La Havana.-Architect invited to the presentation of tourist investment project, planning and development Valley Yumurí-Matanzas.

Cuba-monitoring and study of Areas and Tourism Investment Projects newly established under the Law on Foreign Investment.

Africa-Morocco-Senegal-Mauritania-Republic of Kenya: Feasibility Studies and implementation of cores Sustainable Hotels in Sustainable places.

Participate in the International HOTELS DESTINATIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE SUSTAINABLE Conference, sponsored by UNESCO.

He combines the profession of architect with painting several of his works belong to private collections in Spain, Denmark, Sweden and the United States.

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Global Arquitecture ProjectsGlobal Arquitecture ProjectsGlobal Arquitecture ProjectsGlobal Arquitecture ProjectsGlobal Arquitecture ProjectsGlobal Arquitecture Projects